25 April is the anniversary of the landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli in 1915. On the first anniversary of that landing services were held throughout the country in remembrance of the 2,721 New Zealand soldiers who died during the eight-month Gallipoli Campaign. Since 1916 ANZAC Day has evolved to the observance we know today.
A bit different from the UK Remembrance Day parade as it is a Public Holiday here. We had an early start, Si had to be work at 0530, Tracey at the Burnham Camp Main Gate at 0600 for the Dawn Parade.
The Dawn Service is one of the most popular observances of ANZAC Day. It is timed to coincide with the initial landings at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. The time is also poignant for veterans who recall the routine dawn “stand-to” of their war service. The darkness breaking into sunrise adds to the symbolism of the occasion and makes for an emotional experience.
A typical observance includes a parade, the sounding of Last Post and Reveille, a minute's silence, the ANZAC Dedication, and Laurence Binyon's famous lines:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
No other photo's I'm afraid, it was peeing it down all day, but this one of Si in his dry uniform before heading off to the parade. The sash Si is wearing is the Maori tribe that the NZ Army belong to (I think)!
Tracey was v. surprised at the amount of people there, seeing as the weather was so bad (most rain we have seen in Canterbury since we got here), families with young children, local Maori Community group, who sang song's on the obligatory guitar and local school children. There was also two Maori Warriors standing to attention on the gate as well. Quite cool!
The parade was finished about 0700, then it was off to the WO & SNCO's Mess for breakfast then Si then departed on to the summer resort of Sumner for another parade and drinks with the old boy's in the Kiwi equivalent of the Legion.