Sunday, April 23, 2006

Tracey's Graduation.

Well here is the update for a few weeks. This is my graduation ceremony from the NZ College of Fitness on 31 March 06 - posh frocks and tie night, where I had finally completed my assignments and training to become a Personal Trainer (yes v. funny me a PT!).

On the pic is Gerome one of Director of the College with Sal, another Pom out here and a fellow ex Army PTI who is one of the lead instructors at the school, and who we have a general moan about lack of heating and the bad driving over here. So all in all a great night, if not a little bit too much wine drank, but hey it was my last ever weekend in the RN. yes, I have apologised to Gerome for trying to get him to do the helium baloon inhalation - he would not entertain us!

Next day, whilst feeling slightly not 100% I agreed to get two new kittens - more on that later! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Gina said...

Congratulations! You look gorgeous.